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Pink bedroom of Psyche

The third bedroom of the first floor on the eastern side of the villa is called in the name of Psyche. There‘s the painting of Hrana Janto in this room, “Psyche”, painted in year 2000. The character of Psyche in the Western literature became known from the Roman author‘s Lucius Apuleius (2 C. AD) set of mythological stories “The Golden Ass”. A long and dramatic story of love of princess Psyche and the god of passion Eros is described in this work. In the begining, Eros falls in love with a mortal girl, which recalls Aphrodite herself with her beauty (according to the Roman version of the myth – the mother of Eros), enraging the goddess by that. After saving Psyche from death and from revenge of Aphrodite, Eros offers her an eternal love in the paradise of the Unknown – Psyche lives in luxury in a magnificent palace, but has no right to know the true name of her lover, and to see him in a daylight. Eros visits Psyche at nights and asks to keep this in secret until their baby is born, which would become a god. As it is common in women, Psyche breaks the taboo, illuminating her secret lover's face and... loses him. Tormented by longing, in order to retrieve her love, Psyche sets off to the heroic journey, asking the goddesses Hera and Demeter for a support, before daring to meet her hated mother-in-law Aphrodite. In order to destroy Psyche (or maybe to harden her off?), Aphrodite gives a pregnant young woman four dangerous tasks that Psyche fulfills with a help of various friendly deities, animals, plants and creatures. During the last – the hardest task – she has to descend into the Underworld and to meet the Underworld’s queen Persephone, to fill the Aphrodite’s given box of beauty with ointment. Although Psyche is strictly forbidden to open the box, again she disregards the prohibition and opens the gift of the goddess, falling asleep the deadly sleep. In the end of the tale, Psyche is awakened with a kiss and a light arrow prick of Eros, who persuaded Zeus to make his bride the immortal goddess. So, the daughter of people, fulfilling the tasks and the tests of the gods, becomes a resident of Olympus and wife of the god of love himself. When the time came, they had their daughter born, and they named her Joy.

In Greek language the term psooche (Psūchê) means life, spirit, the Self, the soul. The core of this word is met in numerous terms, related to the knowledge of human psychics, e.g. in in term psychology: psooche (Gr. soul) + logos (Gr. science, knowledge) =  the science of soul.

So, the residents of the Bedroom of Psyche have the possibility to look closer to their souls, to feed them with love, beauty, ternderness.  It is no coincidence that this room is dominated by pink, which under Aura-Soma's training represents an unconditional love... firstly toward ourselves. After all, to other people we can only give what we have in ourselves. If we do not love ourselves, torturing ourselves with endless reproaches, feeling not worthy of love, we cannot love our near ones. The individual reaction to pink colour instantly reveals the true relationship with himself or herself – those who avoid this shade, tend to have many pretensions for themselves, long for love, and at the same time they are afraid of it, they feel lonely, but avoid to open themselves up. Pink colour is particularly important for women and girls – it represents the archetypical femininity, fertility, the ability to create and understand beauty, art, love and be loved. The rejection of pink often means lack of maternal love in early childhood and problematic relationship with mother (which can later be repeated in all relationships of love).

In this extremely pink room we invite the visitors to open their souls up to un unconditional love – for themselves, for the near ones and dear ones, for life. All the details in the room: the embroidered Egyptian cotton linen, the soft blankets, the towels, the upholstery of chairs, the cabinet hangers, and even the floor tiles here are pink. Extremely erotic shapes (like Sigmund Freud, the developer of psychoanalysis, would say) of pink chandelier and the wall lamps fill the room with love energy.

Huge room window on the east side of the villa opens out onto the banana and eucalyptus alley. The aromatic jasmines bloom below. The Pink bedroom awaits visitors with two 120 cm wide beds, which, if wanted, could be combined into one king-size double bed. We invite You to experience the paradise of Eros and Psyche in pink space!

Rožinis Psichės miegamasis
Rožinis Psichės miegamasis
Rožinis Psichės miegamasis
Rožinis Psichės miegamasis
Rožinis Psichės miegamasis
Rožinis Psichės miegamasis
Rožinis Psichės miegamasis
Rožinis Psichės miegamasis
Rožinis Psichės miegamasis
Rožinis Psichės miegamasis

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